
The Organization for Feminist Research on Gender and Communication (OFRGC) promotes dialogue, discussion, research, and scholarship concerned with women, feminism, gender, oppression, and social change. OFRGC seeks to advance understandings of the intersections of gender and race, ethnicity, nationality, ability, sexuality, and class, including transgender politics, masculinity, dis/ability, labor, transnationalism, postcolonialism, and critical race theory.

OFRGC is a Western States Communication Association (WSCA) affiliate, sponsors programs at the WSCA convention, and publishes a journal: Women’s Studies in Communication.

Find us online! OFRGC has three channels of social media:

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Our biannual newsletter contains a message from the president, addresses commonly asked questions about professional development, updates members on recent changes within the organization, includes our calls for paper submissions to the Western States Communication Association annual convention and gender preconferences, announces honors and awards, as well as provides reports from our grant recipients. 

Stay updated by reading our most recent newsletter.

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The ORWAC Journal, Women's Studies in Communication (WSIC), provides a feminist forum for diverse scholarship addressing the relationships between communication and gender. WSIC invites contributions in the form of research, reviews, and commentary with the potential to advance our understanding of the intersections of gender and race, ethnicity, nationality, ability, sexuality, and class, as well as the articulations between gendered performances, power, and representation in public culture.

  • Each year, the Feminist Scholarship Award is presented to the top essay published in the journal at the Western States Communication Association's annual conference.
  • Members are able to access the online journal by logging into their account. Click the link for Members Only in the top right corner.
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Applications are now open, with the next grant deadline being May 1, 2025
Please see the link below to access the form for the 2025 research grant applications. Please note that grants are awarded to individual scholars, not institutions, and thus do not pay indirect costs. The maximum award amount per submission is $2500.  All submissions must include the application form linked below, your responses (max. 3pgs), and your CV. Submission are due by May 1, 2025 at 11:59pm (PST) to Jenna N. Hanchey (jenna.hanchey@asu.edu).
We are looking forward to reviewing your submissions!
Click here to download the application

Research Development Grants

The Organization for Feminist Research on Gender and Communication invites submissions for our Research Development Grants.  Members are eligible to apply for one of three grants that support scholars at different levels of their career: M.A. students, PhD students, and instructors or tenure/track faculty. Each grant offers a maximum of $2,500.00.

Grants are designed to assist feminist scholars completing research or creative projects that privilege and advance understandings about the intersectionality and complexity defining women’s lives.  Broadly speaking, submitted projects are those that:

  • chart new ground in disciplinary knowledge about women and gender
  • offer insights about the challenges and negotiations confronted by women in light of intersecting identities
  • favor the voices, experiences, discourses, performances and lives of women 

Brenda J. Allen Travel Grant

Brenda J. Allen Travel Grant Endowment funds travel for Women, Trans, and Non-Binary Graduate Students of Color.

Professor Allen has been a pathbreaker in the field of communication, and has devoted her career to ensuring that communication and the academy as a whole are more equitable and inclusive places. Her scholarship has been foundational in intercultural, organizational, and feminist communication studies, and her mentorship record is unparalleled. She is also a long-time member of ORWAC and has played a leadership role for years, most notably as our first "web spinner." This is why ORWAC wants to endow a student travel award in her name to honor this legacy.

Our goal is to raise $20,000, which will give ORWAC enough funds to provide $1000 annually to be used toward these travel grants. We are asking for your help to make this happen and to show your support of the legacy of Professor Allen.

Please donate to the endowment here


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Become a Member!

The Organization for Feminist Research on Gender and Communication (OFRGC) promotes dialogue, discussion, research, and scholarship concerned with women, feminism, gender, oppression, and social change. OFRGC seeks to advance understandings of the intersections of gender and race, ethnicity, nationality, ability, sexuality, and class, including transgender politics, masculinity, dis/ability, labor, transnationalism, postcolonialism, and critical race theory. OFRGC is a Western States Communication Association (WSCA) affiliate, publishes a journal: Women's Studies in Communication, and sponsors programs at the WSCA convention.

Membership includes:

  • A subscription to Women's Studies in Communication Journal
  • Receipt of a biannual newsletter
  • A voice in managing the business affairs of OFRGC
  • Eligibility to apply for the annual research development grants
  • An invitation to the annual OFRGC reception at the WSCA convention (complimentary food and drinks and a networking opportunity for early scholars)

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Please complete our online membership application. You will have the option to remit payment securely via Paypal or select payment method by check.

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